Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lazarus, arise!

I'm panicking because I have to somehow fall asleep so that I can wake up in about four and a half hours from now. I must wake up in order to take someone to the airport. Why did I say that it was okay to leave for the airport at 5:30am?

So I finally broke down and got a domain name. For some strange reason, the process really terrified me even though I've purchased a ton of things online. There was an irrational fear inside me that prevented me from registering this domain name a few years ago. It was still available today so I thought, why not? After a grand total of one post, I quit blogging a few years back. Now that I have a domain name, I must find a good use for it! Thus, I revive thee, old blog o' mine.

I've found a renewed interest in growing these finicky plants. My current plans include:  putting together the greenhouse I purchased a few months ago, keeping an orchid alive longer than ten years, doing a green smoothie fast, and planning out the flowers for a friend's wedding. Not everything in this blog will involve orchids but I'll try to weave at least one reference in per post. On that note, my latest acquisition from Cal Orchid was a Masdevallia Peach Fuzz "Golden Giant" FCC/AOS (my very first FCC plant!). Here's a filler image until I get my camera up and running.

Masdevallia Peach Fuzz "Golden Girl" FCC/AOS

Thursday, June 26, 2008

this is my first post

Sc. Seagulls Beaulu Queen
Instead of being at work where I should be, I'm here creating my first blog entry... ever. For someone in the technology field, I'm way behind on these "new fangled things" like MySpace, and iPods (yes, I know they're not new). For my first orchid of the day (idea stolen from a commercial orchid nursery, oh god, I hope they don't sue me), I present an oldie but one of my favorites. I purchased a compact cattleya from a hobby grower out in Florida. I had no idea what the flower would look like, I just knew that it was yellow (my favorite color... for flowers). Sc Seagulls Beaulu Queen. That's a mouthful. It's kind of like those dog show names "Academy Awards Celebratory Afterthought" or "Greek Island Summer Sojourn." Orchid growers are a bit kooky like Dog Show people. However, we aren't cool enough to have a movie made for us (See "Best in Show"). Okay, I have to go to see if Netflix has sent my last dvd of Arrested Development (yes, I also just found out about this show... maybe someday I'll start watching Lost).